
2020年5月29日—WithPHPURLShortenerlibraryyoucanshortenthelongURLsanduseyourowndomainintheshortURLs.Intheexamplescriptshowstheprocess ...,InthispostwewilllearnhowtocreateyourURLshorteningapplicationinPHPandMySQL.YoumayalsousethisappasanAPIbycallingtheURLsfromanother ...,2016年8月12日—So,inthistutorialwewillshowyouhowtogenerateshortURLusingPHPandGoogleAPI.YoumayalsolikecreateshortURLusingPHPonly....

Create Short URL using PHP URL Shortener

2020年5月29日 — With PHP URL Shortener library you can shorten the long URLs and use your own domain in the short URLs. In the example script shows the process ...

Creating a URL Shortener Application in PHP & MySQL

In this post we will learn how to create your URL shortening application in PHP and MySQL. You may also use this app as an API by calling the URLs from another ...

Generate Short URLs Using PHP And Google API

2016年8月12日 — So, in this tutorial we will show you how to generate short URL using PHP and Google API.You may also like create short URL using PHP only.

Google API

2012年10月25日 — $shortLink = get_object_vars($json); echo Shortened URL is: .$shortLink['id'];. It could be just my php installation, but the original line ...

Google URL Shortener PHP Class

2011年2月2日 — The class features two main methods: shorten and expand. Each method takes the long or short URL, contacts Google, and returns its ...

PHP class for the Google URL shortener API

PHP class for the Google URL shortener API . GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.


2011年1月13日 — Shorten: Used to shorten a long URL ; Expand: Used to expand a shortener URL ; Analytics: Get the details of the shortened URL like how many ...

Shorten URLs using the Google URL Shortener and PHP

// Example: Give the Short Code URL and image it. $qrURL = shorten('', TRUE);. echo '<img src= ...

URL Shortener Service using PHP and Google API

2017年9月26日 — The following PHP script quickly generates a short URL from a long URL by using the Google's URL Shortener API. So many examples around the Net ...

User Query

Warning: You need to set Client ID, Client Secret and Redirect URI from the Google API console ... example.php ... php if (isset($short)) var_dump($short); } ?> ...


